Friday, February 15, 2008

hello choir! :D

happy post valentine's day!
hope it was well spent! (:

omg, this blog is so dead im FINALLY here to pump some life back to it! HAHA! so anyway, concert is only 7 days/7x24 hours/7x24x60 mins away! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

we have extremely little time left and and i dont think we're 80% there! our dance is still a bit messy, we have choreo a dance for "getcha head in the game", not everyone is 100% sure of their notes, worst of all, we still dont have full attendance for every rehearsal!!

i really hope everyone, an i mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, dedicate this entire week to choir! this is our FIRST EVER MUSICAL in sajchorale's history & im sure we want it to become and success and not regretting after the concert is over! so i urge all of us to put in our utmost best and not waste anymore time during rehearsals!

below are the dates and times of rehearsal this week:
sat: 845 to 4 - dance to be completed by 4pm, rehearsals with court shoes
mon: once school ends to 9 - rehearsal with pianist, FULL DRESS REHEARSAL!!
wed: sectionals and run through of the dances
fri: musical medley concert! :DDDDD

see ya'll on sat! remember to bring your shoes! (:
and do not be late for pt if not you'll get slaughtered! MUAHAHA!

the music played{12:57 PM}