Monday, April 23, 2007
Slow cheetah come it's so euphoric.
Aye hello everyone. Seems like its been a long time I've posted here hmm? Haha.Wondering what I'm doing here too anyway, looking at the work I have lying right before my eyes. Ha. Ah, screw my work for the time being. I'm just going to blog an entry. Yes, about SYF duh. Haha.
Looking at all the tags on the tagboard, I must say that we're really blessed to have juniors like that. Seriously. So full of fervor and optimism.
And hope.
Hm its been said, hope is light tomorrow with today. Haha. The carrot dangling in front of the donkey. Forward, forward. Never back.
I don't think I need to remind all of us that SYF is barely 2 weeks away now. Yeah, time's tight. Very tight. But. I think we all can make it. No, I know we have the potential to make it. We can. The gold's well within reach. We just have continue striving hard, working hard. Tap our full potential.
I can remember what I told some seniors late last year. I think it was Aini. Wasn't it? Hahaha. Okay anyway, I can remember saying that the coming batch of J1s will either make us or break us. Was damn worried actually, like, eh shit ah. About 20 people in the choir. How? We need more J1s! Blaaaah! Then when I first saw the choir at full strength during the 1st 3 months, I told myself. No way this batch will break us. They'll be the ones to get that illustrious gold with us. For us, in fact. Yeah.
I've got faith in all of you guys. Utmost faith.
The J2s, well I guess the SYF gold is the cumulation of all the work that we've put in for the past year and a half or so. Viva Vox, combined concert with TJC. All those practices and camps. All were stepping stones to the ultimate prize. Yes, the gold. All that we've worked for since the start. I can assure you that it will all be worth it at the end, with the gold in our hands.
For all of us, it'll be the last ever SYF that we'll be competing in. For some, those poor souls, their first and last. But that doesn't mean anything. First time, 3 times whatever. All doesn't matter. What matters is the time now. Saints Chorale, SYF. Gold. That's all that matters. And since its the last time, I ask of you all to make it your most memorable one. The one, where at the end, tears of joy will be shed, emotions and euphoria running high. It will all be worth it. I can really assure you that.
SYF gold. Too lofty a dream perhaps, some may say. But no, I don't believe in that. I'm sticking to what I said in the first 3 months. I don't see how different it can be now. We have the potential to get the gold. We can.
Faith and hope. Fervor and optimism.
We've got the chance to elevate the name of Saints Chorale right now. We totally do not deserve to be shunned and ignored, like those dark days in the past. We have come a very long way since 2, or even 1 year ago. The seniors can attest to that.
Guys, give it all you've got for the next 2 weeks or so. Everything you have. The gold is within reach, at our fingertips. We just have to give that extra push. That extra boost up, to attain high heavens.
I'm not speaking as the choir president here. I'm speaking as one of you guys. I'm a singer, a member of Saints Chorale too. I bleed, I sweat, laugh or cry with all of you guys. I'm one of you too. I don't believe in class distinctions here. No, we're all in this together. Together as one. We sing as one. We aim for the gold as one. We strive as one.
We are a choir. And singing in a choir is not an individual effort. Its a team one. And what makes it even more hallowed is the fact that the seniors gave it their all to get us to where we are today. Their blood, their sweat. The gold is as much of ours as theirs, and I can safely say that all of them are more than a hundred percent behind us and our struggles. So I guess we'd better not disappoint them? Haha. Really, we owe it to them that much.
Okay, here comes the but part. Yes, BUT. But, if we don't get the gold (heaven forbid) due to whatever reason it may be. Don't lose your optimism and fervor for choir no matter what. We know that we've given it our all, and tried our best. Don't place the blame on yourselves. No matter the result, I sincerely thank every one of you guys for the effort you put in. Blame the judges perhaps. =P
People, we stand at the brink of creating history. The brink of Saints Chorale's first ever gold in god knows how many years of history.
All we need is for everyone to give it their all for the next 2 weeks. Okay guys?
We'll all go have a crazy party after all's over. For those going Finland.. Heh Heh Heh. Need I say anymore? Hahahaha.
Okay guys. I think I've rambled here enough already. I'm dry of ideas and things to say. Haha. Hope I'm making sense tho, and yeah, have achieved what I set out to do by blogging this entry. Heh.
Just a final quote before I go. Aye, I stole this from wikiquote. Damned nice website for quotes. Haha okay I digress.
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up. - Anne Lamott
Okay, hope that was inspiring. Haha!
Yeah people. Jiayou, work hard and everything. We can do this okay? Let's go then. Ha. Eh but take care of yourselves ya. Don't want strained throats and all. HONEY WATER. DRINK PLENTY. HAHAHAHA. (:
ohh and chans ah. uhm, the account. yeah i'm using my gmail account so...well i can give you the password la. but promise me you won't anyhow go into my email and start sending nonsense emails to everyone and anyone? hahaha. don't spread it around too aah. =P sms me for it la. or ask me in school when you see me. (:
everyone say with me.. WHAPPENING LA! HAHAHAHAHA.

the music played{6:35 PM}
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Days Gone By
Did you know...Elroy, Joshua, and me participated in the same choral competition 4 years back? Yup, the first Voyage of Songs, in Genting, 2003. They were with VS, I was with NUS. It was kinda like a Singapore SYF held overseas, and it was a lot of fun!
You can check out the various scores here. Interesting point: Mr Velascoe was one of the judges!
Hey Elroy, NUS did better for both Potong Padi and Sanctus. Nyah, nyah, nyah!
Anyway, NUS really lost out only to VJC and Novo Concertante, a group from the Phillipines. Those of you who participated in the Jubilate 2004 (Shi Hui, Yvonne, right?) would have heard Novo. They are frikkin good.

the music played{7:05 PM}
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Casting pearls before swine
Here's an eternal question for musicians and music lovers:IF A GREAT MUSICIAN PERFORMS GREAT MUSIC BUT NO ONE BOTHERS TO HEAR . . . WAS HE REALLY ANY GOOD?
Well, the Washington Post tried to find out. They got one of the best violinists in the world to busk in the lobby of an office building for money, on his Stradivarius violin!
The results are surprising. Read this link to find out what happens!

the music played{11:53 PM}
2006 SAJC Chorale!
Okay lah, okay lah! For archival purposes, here's a photo of last year's choir, J1s + J2s!!1st Row: Mr Yeo(The Wobbly Guy!), Si Min(Sop SL), Ji Hyun(SC, Alto)), Xiao Lan(Sop), Dita(Alto, Treasurer), Etlana(Alto), Ms Ng
2nd Row: Denise(Sop), Vanessa(Sop), Chiaam Ying(Sop), Joleen(Sop SL), Agnes(Alto), Jasmine(Alto, Librarian), Yuling(Alto SL), Weini(Pres, Alto)
3rd Row: Sharleen, Li Si(Alto), Li Li(Sop), Shi Min, Zhi Nuo, Shi Hui(VP, Alto/Sop), Yvonne(Alto SL), Lydia(Alto, Publicity)
4th Row: Matthias(Sai Kang IC, Tenor/Bass), Elroy(Pres, Bass), Zhi Cong(Bass), Joshua(Tenor SL), Mr Tay, Aini(VP, Alto)
Missing: Isaac(SC, Tenor), Kel Ley(Tenor, Publicity), Kenneth(Bass SL), Clara(Sop), Sam(Tenor)
Hope this helps!
Oh, since we're missing such a picture for this year, you guys should know what to do!

the music played{6:51 PM}